Wednesday 23 March 2011

PLANNING: Film Brief and Director's Pitch

Main task: the titles and opening of a new fiction film, to last a maximum
of two minutes.

All video and audio material must be original, produced
by the candidate(s), with the exception of music or audio effects from a
copyright-free source. Both preliminary and main tasks may be done individually
or as a group. Maximum four members to a group. 

The opening two minutes of a werewolf movie. A teenage couple drive to a secluded spot for a romantic evening. Using the Bus Technique, a Farmer interrupts, but then he is attacked by the werewolf. Shot in the style of a low budget B-movie, the audience doesn’t see the werewolf, but it’s introduced through Point Of View shots.

My group and I intend to shoot on location near Kilsby. (see photos below)
We need to consider lighting, as it will be a night shoot. Our initial plan is to work with the car’s headlights, camping lanterns and external torches

We devised a list of props and equipment that we may need during filming:

We need to obtain permission to use the song 'monster' by a band called The Automatic. This song is rather in-keeping with the movie because it is they type of music that teenagers would listen to in their cars. As a group we came to the decision that the song would work very well with the motion picture. We decided to compose the following email to be sent to the record company in order to obtain permission for the use of the song.