Here is the survey.
In the survey, we asked the following questions:
- Do you enjoy watching horror films?
- What was the title of the last horror film you watched?
- Who is your favourite horror monster?
- Are there any horror directors/writers/producers that you are a particular fan of?
- Who makes the best horror films?
- Is there anything else you would like to add concerning horror films and what you like/dislike about them
Not so good news was that no one chose werewolves as their favourite character, compared to the 43.5% that favoured Serial Killers and Psychos.
The British horror industry was most popular with 40.9%, followed by America, Asia, then Europe.
At the end of the survey, I asked the audience whether they had any comments on the production of horror films. These two particular comments stood out:
"I think horror films have to be gritty and at least an 18 rating. I don't think you can properly scare anyone if you have to remove swearing and dumb down the horror."
"They are just too boring these days ... We've moved on from horrors now ... They're boring."
We posted the link of the survey on Facebook: