Monday 11 April 2011

PLANNING: Marketing Distribution - Film Poster

Draft 1:

This is the first draft of the poster for the film 'Per Oculos Lupus. It consists of the film title, a list of the four lead cast members, the BBFC certificate, information of when it will be available in cinemas and a screenshot from the opening two minutes of the film.

As a group we discussed the good and bad points of the poster and decided improvements were needed in the following areas. We felt that the font was far too bland. It didn't really reflect the subject or genre of the film. We also found that the photo wasn't suitable as it didn't give enough away as to what the film was about. Besides these points. we did like the layout. We found that a simple, yet clear layout was suitable for the type of film we decided on making.

Draft 2:

This is the second draft of our film poster. As a group we managed to make the necessary improvements to the font of the text, and the background image.

Originally, we were finding it difficult to find a font to replace the original one with. This was because Microsoft Office didn't have a suitable font to choose from. To overcome this obstacle, I downloaded a copyright free font from Here I found the perfect font that truly reflected the subject and genre of our film. We also found a new picture to use for the background of the poster. It is more of an establishing picture displaying the two main characters of the film. We found this would be more appropriate as it also reflects the film title 'Per Oculos Lupus' (Through the Eyes of the Wolf) as it appears that we are looking at the main characters through the wolf's point of view. 

The only improvements we felt we needed to make on this draft were to increase the size of the gradient border around the image and to add the Sync Productions logo to the poster.

Final Poster:

For the final draft of the film poster We increased the size of the gradient border so the edges faded into black closer to the centre of the poster, and we also added the Sync Productions logo in the bottom right hand corner. We decided to reverse the colours of the logo for the poster as it would blend into it more effectively. A white and silver logo could look somewhat out of place on this poster.